Avocado Wallet

Avocado the wallet -

The smart contract wallet which provides gas, network and account abstraction to help develop a seamless cross chain experience. Simply saying it helps aggregate all your DeFi positions across dapps visible to you at a single destination, also just using USDC to pay for the gas fees across any chain transactions and adding the benefits of being a smart contract account which eliminates the need to control your wallet with just the seed phrase or private keys but rather have a lot more secure way to hold your funds with with multi layered authentication to ensure protection of funds and also many other features which are enabled by programmable logic code.
Services provided by avocado wallet (like most of EOA wallets) which make defi a lot more accessible through Swap and Bridging tokens on the wallet interface itself, even on a SAA wallet as well.

Avocado wallet features which ensures better user experience-


filtering transactions across different chains and impress=ive UI to check about the type of transaction and trades help with easy and better experience compared to lot of other wallet providers.

Avocado Protect-

the 2FA transaction is present in the personal wallet on avocado, which once enabled, secures each transaction with a secondary authentication passage i.e, through OTP on phone number, email, and authenticator apps like authy, google authenticator etc, or through a secondary (backup signer wallet).
This feature if enabled would ensure no funds are stolen, in case the seed phrase of your wallets is made public.

Transaction Builder-

helps batch and combine the various transactions according to the needs or for the purpose of lower the gas fee cost for individual transactions.
Also using the transaction builder the developers or anyone who want to verify, customize transactions for the purpose of security checks, and check the various configurations required according to their needs, and basically transact on chain more openly, according to the needs.

Onboard -

this feature helps migrate all the defi EOA wallet positions, ensuring we don’t have to close those trades, just to onboard to the smart contract wallet.

Avo Migration-

The moving of funds across wallets using avo migration ensures a collective process to transfer the required assets under a single process rather than following the similar process for transfers multiple times.

Auto Revoke Approvals- One of the new features, which enables thenuser to revoke the access of the particular dapps after the transaction is completed. Ensuring the user has total control of the access of dapps by overriding the infinite approval access can be also revoked during the same transaction ongoing on the dapp.

Discussion points around avocado-

  • The UI is as such that avocado on both personal and multisig wallet users.The personal wallet does make the user more lean towards using it as it provides a more similar using experience like the EOA wallets.

  • On the other side, multisig wallets are often used by teams, DAOs, etc. for multiple ownership, governance and control of the allocated funds in the wallets.

  • WalletConnect has been one of the point of interaction of the various dapps which have adapted the use of SCA's, which we have to pass through if we got to use, as an enabler, to the ecosystem.

  • Just another discussion which tends to be there ,the the acceptance in only usdc and not other tokens and also the fact the gas tank deposits are not redeemable for now.